Donors, We Appreciate You!
Each year, Neriah Community Health Foundation will continue to advance itsmission and provide medical care through our programs. Our main goal is tochange many lives for the better and we are well on our way with your donations.
Overall, the Organization had a successful year through our health, social, andcultural programs. We have better staff on board overseeing daily work at the clinicand with their help, over 3,000 patients in the community were examined andtreated with good care. Many of them are able to drink clean water from the clinic.
In social aspects, we distributed clothes, food, bracelets, shoes and school suppliesto the kids. Finally, we gathered the community for a small celebration whichserved as an information session on the devastating illness Cholera.
The goal of Neriah Community Health Foundation is to continue to make adifference in the lives of the underserved population in Haiti or whereever suchcare is needed for the poor. With the help of donations from you, we will continueto see improvements in health care and other aspects of life.
Thank you again for supporting our efforts to share the light and love of the Lordwhile serving others in practical ways and to help the under served people.
Best wishes,
Dony Vilma and Ketline Etienne Vilma
While we appreciate and are grateful for any donation in whatever amount, the name of donors who have provided more than 40 hours of volunteer service or more than $200 in the past are recognized here.
We tried to recognize everyone, if your name has been inadvertently left off this list, please contact us and we will add it.
Each donor listed gave permission to list his or her name. There are others who we dearly appreciate who wished to remain anonymous